Sunday, October 16, 2011

Computer died

So our lovely computer got a virus again and is not working now. So for the few people that do read my blog you will have to check my facebook for awhile till we get our computer fixed. I know I haven't updated in awhile. We have been super busy getting ready for Halloween :) Its our favorite Holiday. I just finished the girls costumes. They are going to be witches. I'm so excited because Kenna has been a princess the pass two years.
Also this month I turned 30 yrs old! I know I know I'm getting up there. My mother in law got me tickets to Thriller. So Brandon and I had a fun date yesterday and went to lunch and to Thriller. I loved it! It made me miss dance a lot and wished I had the body of a dancer again. I also got some cute decor for my house and my cute neighbors both bought me Golden Spoon ( it's my favorite) and some flowers. I have so many sweet friends that remember my birthday. Thank you! We are so excited for Halloween so check out facebook for some pictures.