Monday, August 1, 2011

Summer Update

Time for a update....
My sister had her baby July 5 2011. They named him Tyson Benjamin Harvey. He is so cute he was 8lbs 12oz and 22 inches. He was one once bigger than Kenna was. We love baby Tyson.

Cute little Tyson

Kenna learned how to ride a bike. Grandpa bought her a helmet and helped her. She is awesome now she loves it.

We went to see the float for the Days of 47 Parade. As most of you know we are huge U Fans. Kenna saw this and started yelling "Utah Utah Utah" It was so funny.

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Kenna did swimming lesson at draper pool this summer. She loved them. I might do them this winter too so she doesn't drive me crazy.

Here are her friends she did swimming with

We went camping this last weekend with my family. It was so much fun. We went up to Soapstone Basin. We took our getto van and slept in it. It was awesome. I must admit that I am liking the van more and more. My sister and her husband came with baby Tyson. It was so fun but its so nice to come home to my bed. Here are some pictures....

Girls love the 4 wheelers. We were all them all the time. There were some sheep up there so we would chase the sheep with 4 wheelers. It was a good time.

Kenna and Brandon at Provo River Falls

We love Smores!!

The Family at Provo River Falls

Papa and Adalyn

We are so cute. Just sayin'

Adalyn did not like the cold water.

Having fun in the van :)

Auntie and Ben brought marsh mallow guns it was fun

Our camping spot

Poor addi got eaten alive by mosquitos. Her face was full of bites.

These were the wild flowers that were up there. They were so pretty. We had so fun. Now we are back to reality. Kenna starts school tomorrow and Brandon goes back to work.


Mendel Family said...

Looks like you guys have been having fun! I am amazed by all of your camping adventures, you are much braver than me! I can't believe Kenna starts school! Crazy how fast this summer is flying! Luke starts the middle of August!

BenRasmussen said...

What a fun summer!! I love all your camping pictures. That smore that Adalyn is eating looks delicious....I want one! I also love the picture of Brandon and Adalyn, so cute!

Allison said...

Sorry Jenn, that last comment was from me, not Ben. Not sure why it logged me in as him.