Sunday, June 5, 2011

Busy Busy Busy !!!

I am always amazed at how fast time flies. Here's a little update on us. For Memorial weekend we went camping with my family down to Temple Mtn. It was so fun and hot which I loved the first day. It was so fun and my girls love camping. Kenna fell and skinned her nose, forehead, and knee the first 5 minutes we were there. Adalyn sat on the 4 wheeler most the time. They both learned how to push the gas on the 4 wheelers so we had fun little races. We stayed in our tent which we haven't used since we have had kids. They loved it and thought it was so cool. We went hiking at a place called Goblin Valley. They had all these rock formations that were so different. It was like we were on another planet. I didn't know my girls were hikers but they had so much fun.

This isn't the best picture but you can see the awesome rocks in the back.

Little hiker Addi she had a great nap after

Kenna on top of the world !!

SO we camped between these two huge cliffs. So Brandon and I took off and went hiking. These rocks had huge like caves almost in them. It was fun to just go act like a kid :)

That's me you can see our camp behind me. SO grateful we can go with my family so we can use their trailer. (bathroom, shower, microwave, and TV) That's how we roll !!

This past weekend I threw my little sister a baby shower. I decided to get creative with her gift and made her this...

This cute diaper cake was so easy and so fun to so. I love being crafty when i have the time. Then I had so many diaper left over I decided to make this....

This diaper wreath took a little more time but turned out super cute.
I made a lot of desserts too.I felt like Rachel Ray last week with all the baking and crafts. haha So that's the update. We are so excited to play in the warm weather. Kenna has been planning our summer: swimming, zoo,camping, and more swimming. So i guess I will be a the splash park a lot this summer :)


Allison said...

Yay!! So happy to read an update on what you guys have been up to! Camping looks like so much fun and I am glad your girls love it so much.

Good job on the diaper cake and wreath. I have never seen a diaper wreath, what a great idea!! Keep the posts coming, I love to see how you guys are doing :)

Matt and Marti Jo said...

So fun! I love the diaper cake and wreath! You are so cute and crafty! It looks like you guys had fun camping. We should plan a camping trip together this summer!

Mendel Family said...

Ah so now I know why you enjoy camping so much ;) I am not a big camper, but if I had a shower I would be much happier! Glad you guys had such a good time, and you did a great job with the shower gifts!

The Wiseman Life said...

I am jealous of your camping....I need to drag Kris out soon. Looked like a blast. Great job on your diaper cake. That looks like a lot of work.