Sunday, January 30, 2011


So remember I said I would do better this year with blogging so here we go. I hate January I always have its just a cold yucky month. So I am so ready for February to come. So here are some cute pictures I finally downloaded off my phone........

We hardly have any pictures of us now days so I had to post at least one of me and my cute husband!

Both my girls got so sick this month. They both had croup.Kenna has never been so sick it was so sad.It was a long two weeks.

Kenna decided to put on all my snow stuff on one day. It was great she was etertained for like and hour. She thought she was pretty tough.

I love this picture of Adalyn she looks like a little snowman.

Kenna became a sunbeam this year. She was so excited and loves to go to church because she gets to go to primary.

So these were my dance clothes when I was little. It was like Christmas to my girls that had so much fun!!

Febuaray is a very fun month in our house. Kenna turns 4 yrs old on Feb.6! She is so excited and has been counting down the days for a week already. She is having a Tangled birthday party so that will be my next post.


Mendel Family said...

Kenna looked like she was so sick! The poor things! I am ready for February as well!

Matt and Marti Jo said...

oh poor sick kids:( I am glad that they are feeling better. Your kids are so stinkin cute! I cant wait to see them.

Allison said...

I love all the pictures! Glad Kenna is feeling better. Can't wait for the birthday post!

The Wiseman Life said...

your girls are just adorable. I can't believe how dark Kenna's hair is getting. Love the pictures.