Thursday, April 14, 2011

LIfe .............

Brandon has been out of town a lot lately. So I have been a single parent I feel like.But he is done traveling :) I did love having the bed to myself. So I tried to stay busy so my girls would not drive me crazy. We have had fun going to the mall,and going to build a bear. The girls loved it! And of course we went to the park a lot when it was nice outside. Adalyn is totally potty trained. Which is great but she loves to go in public restrooms. So you can imagine when I go somewhere I stop at every bathroom. She is almost two. Her birthday is on April 30th. We are having a polka dot party. I have had so much fun planning it. You know I love polka dots! Kenna is getting so smart, too smart sometimes. She is still in preschool and dance. She a recital coming up next month. Her dance is to "we all live in a yellow submarine". So I hear that song everyday. She loves to play with her friends. Luckily we have awesome neighbors so she just plays all the time. Brandon and I are the same just being parents. He is working really hard. We have been trying to get out of debt. We are finally getting there but it has taken a lot of hard work. But I am so excited to be done with it.

Adalyn decided to dress herself. She loves boots she always has them on.

Build A Bear was so fun. I really had so much fun doing it with them. They also had a blast!

I was trying to get a picture of Addi for her birthday card but of course we had to do a photo shoot.

Thank goodness for Dino Land this winter. We went so much my girls love the mall already. They always ask if we are going to the mall today.

We are really excited for Easter and Adalyn's birthday. So I should have some cute pictures for my next post.


Mendel Family said...

I am glad you survived Brandon being out of town! I like having the bed to myself sometimes too :) Your girls are so cute!

Allison said...

Love all the pictures and the updates! I didn't know Brandon was out of town a lot, but glad he is back. Sounds like you have been having a lot of fun. We love Dino Land too!!

The Wiseman Life said...

What cuties! I can't imagine being alone with no are superwoman for surviving! :) Congrats on the potty training. That is awesome. Hope you guys are well!